Communicating Statistics

This page attempts to collect examples of effectively communicating statistics from across the internet. The objective is to learn how to communicate statistics in a way that leads to impact and action. If you have come across other similar examples and would like them to be included here, please write to me.

1. Leverage the ongoing Bitcoin frenzy to make your point

Communicating US dollar money printing trend through the ongoing Bitcoin frenzy

2. Bring context to tell the extra-ordinariness of a Statistic

Communicating the extra-ordinariness of a Statistic by making a right comparison to set context.

3. Trend of data-points is always more convincing than single data-point

Counter a statistical data-point by presenting a trend of data-points

4. Action driven statistic that speaks it's enormity by bringing in context. Also brings in context by translating statistics into regular tasks.

When it comes to enormity of a Statistic, context matters the most.

5. Always compare with something familiar to your audience (notice the Statue of Liberty in this below image) to make sure they get the context.

When trying to bring in context, familiarity of audience matters the most.

6. Right visualization can help you summarize a lot of information and draw the reader's attention to right highlights - all in a single view

Use the right visualization to convey the summary and the right detail - all in a single view.

7. Bringing in context is alright. But bringing it by comparing with something that the audience can recall right away is a definite way to draw attention.

Bring in context by comparing with something that audience can recall right away.

8. Enormity of a statistical figure sinks in much better if you make it relatable with something that the audience can recall quickly (the protest in the tweet below) and a figure that audience can grasp better (Rs 36 lakhs)

Compare the statistic to a number that is easily relatable for the audience.

9. Most numbers mean nothing without a context. Imagine seeing the below tweet, but only with USA numbers. Talking a number without context is nearly equivalent to not saying.

Communicating a statistics without context is equal to not communicating it at all.

10. If numbers can be represented visually to communicate impact of the point thosee numbers are trying to make - it helps use power of statistics for an emotional impact.

Visual communication of the impact of a statistic can enable bringing emotion to numbers